December 31, 2016

Review Ganzo G7531-CF

Review Ganzo G7531-CF


As you know, we have already reviewed some models from Ganzo. This company has experienced in the last two years one of the biggest transformations seen in a chinese company of cutlery. Improving its quality in finishing and steel (or heat treatment) and taking a huge number of models.

This one that I present to you today, of last batch, undoubtedly is one of the models from Ganzo more 
requested by the people loving of the mark. Let's see what makes it so special for it ...

Exterior design and appearance

Well, just look at its appearance and we started to answer the question posed in the introduction, it is all a beauty based on the Protech TR-5 model. A very aggressive aspect of the blade but with a handle not too tactical.

There are times when, when there is a new model of folder knife and you see the first photos on the internet, you know you want it. This is one of them.

General view

December 16, 2016

Review multi-tool card VS traditional multi-purpose knife (with cutting tests)

Review multi-tool card VS traditional multi-purpose knife (with cutting tests)


Small multi-tools with different functions have proliferated Lately, among them there are some types with the size and shape of approximately a credit card. Today we are going to review an unbranded concrete model, to see if it really works and the most important: can it replace a traditional multipurpose knife?.

At the end of the review we can see the answer and my specific opinion on it. Also, do not miss the video cut-testing section at the end, which is very significant.

Exterior design and appearance

The design is very simple, it is normal, basically it is a steel plate in which perforations have been made, even so, has taken advantage of the space and tried to introduce the maximum tools.

General view 1